Charlotte’s QEP


Student success is the focus of UNC Charlotte’s new QEP. The purpose of NINERways is to improve upon student success in the quantitative reasoning requirement of the University’s general education program. This will be achieved by designing math course(s) that successfully transition and prepare students for their major and enhancing the mathematics classroom learning environment, work also known as math pathways. 

View the NINERways proposal.


NINERways is built on three pillars. Each of the pillars is based on best practices identified in mathematics education research literature.  

Math Pathways Structure and Alignment

  • The first pillar identifies gateway mathematics courses that reflect students’ programs of study, are necessary for students to progress to their major and contain content students need to be successful in other courses.

Course Curricula Coordination

  • The second pillar uses faculty teaching teams to provide consistency in multi-section courses taught by multiple faculty members for the students. 

Evidence-based Pedagogies and Classroom Practices

  • The third pillar provides professional development for faculty members to identify and implement various evidenced-based pedagogies and classroom practices.


  • Decrease DFW Rates (students earning D’s, F’s and withdrawing from courses)
  • Address Achievement Gaps
  • Increase 4-Year Graduation Rates